话说1月3日的时候,我写过一篇《 Amazon收了我elastic IP的费用》,大意是Amazon说我没有绑定IP到Instance,要收我多少钱云云。虽然钱不多,但这还真不是我干的!当时Amazon的客服回复说先绑定我的信用卡才能继续解决我的问题。我没理Amazon,心想有本事你就扣掉我过期的信用卡好了。没想到Amazon还真烦啊,两三天给我发一封邮件催我,我实在扛不住又发一封邮件给他们,意思是,non-elastic-IP不是我的责任(是AWS的问题,我还没说他们的服务不稳定呢!),我不应承担责任;同时我的信用卡过期了,我没有新的信用卡。第二天,Amzaon客服回邮件说帮我豁免掉了(看了一下,果然都 Charges waived了)。



Hello Yobin,

I am Sorry for the issue you've had with non-attached Elastic IP charges. I do see that your Elastic-IP is associated to your instance so I have gone ahead and forgiven the charges you received. Your current balance is now $0.

Unfortunately he only method of payment currently accepted by Amazon Web services is credit card. As long as you stay with the Free Tier you will not be charged but  to pay any charges you do incur a valid credit card is needed.

We recommend customers monitor their usage periodically to avoid unnecessary charges. By logging into your Account Activity page, you can see current and past usage activity by service and region, and download Usage Reports:


I hope this helps and please let us know if you have any additional charges.

Thank you for your inquiry. Did I solve your problem?

If yes, please click here:

If no, please click here:

Best regards,

Michael A.

---- Original message: ----

AWS AccountId                   641978592514
accountnumber                   641978592514
name                    yobin
subject                 About the billing
message                 About the billing,  I have something to say:

1. Firstly, I don't think I should take this billing for it's not my mistake but Amazon's.  I really had raised an instance and sucessfully bind elastic IP with my instance for a long time. But when I read the email from amazon, I was shocked. I signed in EC2 at Jan.4, I found my Instance(Tokyo) was not launched, I don't know what happened. As I had combined the Elastic IP and nerver released it  , so I don't think I should pay for the non-attached Elastic IP Payment.

2. My Credicard has expired, and now I have no another creditcard. I could not pay for anything by credicard recently.