今晚收gmail,发现3个小时前Amazon给我发了一个账单,骇然发现竟然上个月有0.73$的费用,这个月还有0.55$的费用。再一看都是没有绑定elastic IP的问题。马上登陆EC2看了看,我的instance竟然消失了。先不管那么多,再次捆绑好。

     其实Amazon也收不到我的费用,我绑定的时候,信用卡没过期,但几个月后已经过期了。就算没过期的话,我也可以通过银行赖掉,但这没必要,这真的不是我的错。可能是最近Amazon东京出了啥问题了。写了封Email申诉一下,不知道有反馈不? 英文有点蹩脚,一口气写出来的,没润色。

According to my recent billing statement, my account will be charged 0.73$ last month and 0.55$ this month for elastic IP(73 Hrs). But I had launched an instance(in Tokyo) and bind an elastic IP with my instance sucessfully. Today, when I signed in EC2, I found my Instance(in Tokyo) was disappea, I don't know what happened. I launched my instanced and bind my IP with my instance again.

I think it's not my fault, could you please removed my 0.73$ and 0.55$ payment? Thanks.